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Gather your friends and come to YinTorp for healthy friendship time. Here you can hang out in both silence and flowing energy. Arrange the food yourself based on your own wishes or choose to make a reservation and we will arrange it. Experience 90 minutes of inspiring and genuine yoga/meditation/crystal bowl healing together, based on your wishes. Natural showering spa experience and overnight stay incl. breakfast is included in the stay - SEK 4,444 total price for 4-6 p. Meals, massages and extra overnight stay can be purchased in addition!

Hälsosann friendship time for 4-6 p.m

Sales Tax Included

    Bankgironr: 5907-1662

    Swishnr: 1234 74 74 99

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    ©2022 by Halsosann
    YinTorp - Hälsosann Livsenergi          Björkebodav. 68 B 291 57 ARKELSTORP       Tfn 0709-241219

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